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Medea Kills
Her Children

by Chris Woodworth

What drives a mother to kill her children? For Madison, it’s much more than the infidelity of her power-hungry politician husband. Medea Kills Her Children asks how many more deaths are necessary before we reckon with gun violence once and for all.

Staged Reading 

November 4, 2023
McDonald Theatre
Gearan Center for the Performing Arts
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
299 Pulteney St., Geneva, NY
FREE (first-come, first-serve)



Directed by Sara Lipinski Chambers
Featuring: Mary Cook, Abby DeVuyst, Jon Froehlich, AnneMarie Giannandrea, Izzy Huelgas, Michelle Martin-Baron, Eliyah Roberts, Stephanie Roosa,  and Maggie Werner

Content Warning:

This is a play about gun violence and includes graphic descriptions and adult language. Not appropriate for young audiences.

Free parking is available in the Medbery North Visitor Parking Lot, adjacent to the Gearan Center. For more information, see the HWS Campus Map.
McDonald Theatre policies:
  • Latecomers will not be seated. If you leave the theatre during the performance, you will be unable to return.
  • For the safety of the actors and other audience members, backpacks and large bags will not be permitted in the theatre (purses and small bags are fine). Large bags and backpacks will be locked in the box office and will not be available until the conclusion of the performance.  
  • No food or drink in the theatre (except for water in recloseable bottles).
  • No photography or filming permitted.  
  • Please silence or turn off cell phones and stow them away for the duration of the performance. 
Questions? Contact Chris Woodworth ( or (315) 781-4581




This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants program, a regrant program of New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Auburn Public Theater.

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© 2024 Created by Chris Woodworth

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